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Ferries de Pula

Puerto de Pula

Pula is located on the Croatian coast, south of Rovinj. The main passenger port or Trajektna luka Pula is connected with ports on the east coast of Italy onboard fast ships and passenger and car ferries. The terminal is located very close to the city centre, so is very easy to get to. By car, it is just a five-minute drive. Being so close to the city centre, the terminal has many places to eat and drink nearby. 

The nearest international airport is around 7.5 kilometres away from the city and can be reached on a bus during the summer months. They depart every 30 minutes and cost 4 Euros. There are also taxis available and the journey time is only 15 minutes. 

Dirección: Address: Riva 1, 52100, Pula, Croatia

Direcciones: Google Map @ Pula, puerto

Si desea obtener más información sobre su viaje de regreso, visite nuestra página web Ferries a Pula ?

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